Friday, September 10, 2010

The Starting of School Tradition
Growing up my family always had a tradition at the beginning of a new school year. One person would sit in the "special" chair and everybody would think of a memory they had from the year of school that person was going into. Then they would give a piece of advice. After everybody did this, they would get a Father's blessing. Then a candy bar card or a cake or something super awesome.

Kyler went first. Most advice was be nice, go poop in the toilet, meet friends, listen to your teachers, etc. Ryan gave him a nice blessing (of which I don't really remember anything that was said - on my behalf, it was like 4 days ago so I'm justified in not remembering). Kyler's candy bar card said:

Kyler - Don't be a "sour patch kid" be a "starburst" instead. Don't "rolo"ver on your friends. Continue to smile and bring "almond joy" to the "milky way" Oops, we mean Elementary. Love Mom and Dad.

Taegen went next. Most of his advice was be nice, don't pick your nose, meet friends, listen to your teachers, etc. Ryan gave him a nice blessing (of which I don't really remember anything that was said - on my behalf, it was like 4 days ago so I'm justified in not remembering). (I feel like I just wrote this paragraph ja vu?)Taegen's candy bar card said:

Taegen - A summer full of "swedish fish" +ing and now back to school.Don't pick your nose with your "butterfinger" or everyone will "snicker" at you. If you get shot with a "Musket.teers" will flow down your cheek, but your still our "starburst". Love Mom and Dad.

What can I say. Ryan and I think we are pretty funny. Poor Strider didn't get anything...I didn't even think of getting him a sympathy candy bar, but no worries...the boys shared.

uesday, September 7, 2010

School again.

Well, summer officially ended when we were in Utah so Kyler missed his first week of school. Oh well. He is going to the developmental pre-school again. He loves it. Every day when he gets home I ask him what he did at school and he says "bus". He loves to ride the bus.On the first day of school his backpack had a package of diapers, wipees, and a roll of paper towels. It about knocked him over. He sure was stinking cute climbing on that big bus though.
This is Kyler talking to daddy right before the bus came.
Successful first day of school.
This is how I found Kyler after he had been home for about 10 minutes. I think he's a little overwhelmed by school already.He only rides the bus for like 2 minutes because the school is so close to our house. But, he still falls asleep on the bus. I can't wait to get his sleep apnea figured out. This last week, he has had 4 notes from his teacher saying how tired he is at school and how he has fallen asleep. We have an appt with the ENT about sleep apnea on the 14th - so hopefully we will get something figured out to help the poor lil' guy.