Birthday Celebration #3

Sunday, April 11, 2010
Birthday Celebration #2

Then that night we had a special birthday dinner of corn dogs (Taeg's favorite) and tater tots (Kyler's favorite). Then we opened presents. Taegen got a new big bike. Kyler got some fun therapy toys...scissors, fuzzy balls with tweezers, bendy straws. (In our defense, we had intended to paint Taegen's old bike and add a horn and stuff for Kyler BUT the physical therapist said that he really needs to master the tricycle before he rides an upright bike - so he got some fun little toys instead of a big boy bike). They both got a marble works set and they got soccer balls. They had a great day. I love them each so much. They are quite different but totally complement each other. At the end of the day they are each other's best friend.

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