Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Soccer Mom

Okay so the boys are in Soccer this year. It is awesome. They had their first game last Saturday and it was freaking awesome. They play 3 on 3. Taegen actually did really well. He followed the ball. Kicked it and would chase it. Ryan told Taegen to kick the ball away from the other team. Taegen said "Dad can I tell you something? I did that 2 times." Also, every time I would cheer for Taegen he would stop, turn, smile and wave at me. It made me happy.

Kyler pretty much stayed at the center field. He would stand there, then sit down. Occasionally, he would walk over to me and sit down and say "done". It was awesome. Ryan would pick him up and move him to the ball and then...Kyler would just stand in that spot. It was funny. There was one time that he actually kicked the ball and then ran and followed it with the crowd. It lasted for about 30 seconds was at least 30 seconds. It was so fun to watch them. Ryan is the assistant coach so they really enjoy that too. I love being a "soccer mom". I think it's so cute to see my little boys out there with their over sized jerseys. Kyler shin guards cover his entire leg. It's hard for him to walk in them but they are the smallest size I could find. They are just growing up so fast and as sad as it is to see them getting all old and stuff, it is really fun too.

Taegen has excellent form and look how high he can kick that leg.Trying to tell Kyler (again) to run and chase the ball.
Kyler kicking the ball in.
Getting their game faces on.
Daddy and Kyler boy heading to their first game.

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