Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kyler Joe's turn

Alright it's Kyler turn to be embarrassed.

  • Kyler is AMAZING at dribbling a ball. He dribbles ALL the time. Seriously, if their is a ball and ground he will be dribbling. We have had SO many people tell us that they are surprised at how good he can bounce a ball. I'm not talking about him being good for kids with Ds, he can out dribble other kids his same age and some that are older than him. He really LOVES to dribble. Did I say that enough?
  • He is a lover. He loves physical touch. If you are sitting by Kyler he will be rubbing your hand or face or arm or whatever. He loves hugs and kisses. When Ryan leaves for work Kyler will stand with arm open and say "hug" over and over until Ryan give him a hug.
  • He is doing amazing with therapy. He is making huge strides with physical therapy. He rides his tricycle like a little pro. He doesn't like to ride his bike that much because, as said above, he would much rather be dribbling.
  • He loves Taegen. He imitates everything Taegen does.
  • He also loves Strider. Him and Strider are about the same size so they will wrestle and play together a lot. He is very self-entertaining.
  • He loves pre-school, especially riding the bus. Bob is his bus driver and he loves Bob.
  • When we put him to bed he gets out of his bed anywhere from 5 to 4790 times a night. We just point back to his room. He smiles and then walks back to his bed. Then he does it again.
  • Time-out is starting to work for him. He will sit in timeout until he is ready to do whatever he is suppose to do.
  • He has two speeds - slow and fast. No middle pace.
  • His PT and OT said that at school he will stop and wave to all the kids as they walk down the hall. They said the kids adore him and if they aren't paying attention to him, he will sit there and smile until somebody says something.
  • He loves to talk on the phone.
  • His smile is so sweet.
  • When he cries he cries with his whole body and face.
  • He is a cuddler. He loves to cuddle and touch especially at night.
  • He can be stubborn - very much so.
Kyler is doing amazing. We love him to pieces.

Kyler's classmates each colored him a picture for his birthday and his teachers gave him a little goodie bag. I wish we could have gone and taken cupcakes or something to his class too but not when he is in the public school system. Darn.

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