Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

4 years old and growing strong.

The boys' had their 4 year well check-up last week. That's always fun. They tested their eyes and ears and then the usually check-up things. The eye chart was awesome. Kyler stood their with one eye covered but he wouldn't have known what the shapes were anyways. So, that was pointless. Taegen was a little nervous with the eye chart. The ear testing went much better. Taegen didn't hear anything the first two rounds. Then we told him to give me five every time he heard a noise. Passed with flying colors. Kyler just kept giving me five regardless of hearing noises or not. They also got some shots. Taegen always makes Kyler go first for anything. So Taegen told Kyler to go first. Kyler cried a little but poor little Taegen was curled up in the corner with his hands in his mouth and tears streaming down his face. So, when it was his turn he seriously screamed and kicked and everything. It took three of us to hold him down for his shots. Then it was over and he told EVERYONE for the next 5 days that he had shots. Kyler's leg really hurt him all day after the shots. He couldn't even walk on it. He would limp for a few steps and then just cry while holding his leg. It was sad BUT...we all survived and here are their stats.

Weight - 40 pounds - 81%
Height - 41.5 inches - 77%
BMI - 16 - 72%
B/P - 104/70

Weight - 33 pounds - 24%
Height - 37 inches - 2%
BMI - 17 - 85%
B/P 78/58

So there you have it. Kyler made it on the charts for both height and weight and he has a higher BMI than Taegen...go figure. Oh how I wish my BMI was 16 or 17.

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