Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Annual Down Syndrome Buddy Walk

The DS Buddy Walk was Saturday so we decided to attend. We were kind of fuddy duddies this year because we didn't get any donations or anything but we wanted to go do the walk anyways. I still don't really feel like we belong with that crowd mainly because everyone else has HUGE groups of people walking with them wearing matching shirts and carrying signs with their team names. We don't have a team name or a sign or matching shirts (except Taegen and Kyler) or lots of people - so that makes us feel a little bit, shall we say, alone or weird or not-belongish or whatever. At any rate, the walk was fun and the lunch was free so can't beat that. Next year we pledge to do better and we will get donations so beware. This is the boys admiring the fountain along the walk.

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