Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


A few random things:

How can you not smile when you look in the front room and see this. (Kyler "helping" put together a puzzle). He has this fetish thing lately where he LOVES to take off his clothes. His shirt is usually off within minutes of getting off the bus - then his pants (and diaper) shortly thereafter. What the?

I love how looking at the boys is like looking at stairs even though Taeg's and Kyler are the same age and Strider is 2 1/2 years behind. The difference in height between Strides and Kyler is about the same as between Kyler and Taegen. Love these boys. Me and the boys made a trip to the zoo on Saturday (without Ryan who was working :() because it was 47 degrees. Today it's freezing but we took advantage of the "nice" weather while we could.

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