Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January 28 - jinx

Let's rewind to two years ago. January 28, 2006. I went to work and then left for a routine non-stress test (I was 6 months pregnant). When I went to the dr. it showed that Taegen had a fluid level of 1.8, which is extremely low. So...I was admitted to the hospital to be observed overnight and the next day I go home. However, from that day on (until April 1) I was on bedrest.

Now, fast forward to January 28, 2008. I take Kyler to the dr. due to a cold, cough, fever, etc. They do a chest xray and determine he has pneumonia. They do his oxygen sats and they don't go above 90 (not good). So...they admit him to the hospital to be observed overnight. He has to be on oxygen all night because his sats keep dropping and then the next day...he goes home! I have decided based on this analysis of January 28th that - I don't like this day one bit!! Next year let's skip it!

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