Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Monday, April 6, 2009

The beginning of a Tradition!

Growing up me and my siblings always got a Father's blessing the day before each school year. I loved it and yesterday we started the tradition with our own little family. Taegen wanted a blessing so Ryan gave him one. Then it was Kyler's turn and Taegen stood behind Kyler and said "I want to do it." (Maybe we need to have a FHE on the Priesthood?) Ryan then gave Kyler a blessing. It was awesome to see. The boys have had blessings before but it was always before surgery or when they were sick...never just to have a Father's blessing - so this was a new thing. The boys loved it. Taegen wanted another one after Kyler got his. In case you're wondering why Ryan would be giving the boys's because TODAY was KYLER'S FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!

Sunday night the boys wanted to get their backpacks ready so we got diapers and the necessary paperwork in Kyler's. Taegen got a puzzle, diapers and a book in his. They wore them all night. Then when it was time to go to bed - Taegen had to sleep by his. During the night he woke up and checked to make sure his backpack was still there. Then this morning I was showering and Taegen walked in after waking up - with his backpack on! He was very excited. This is the boys ready to go. It has been GREAT weather lately but today it is snowing and 32 degrees. Go figure...
Here's Kyler walking into school. What a cutie - He's so little! How on earth is he old enough to be going to school?

This is Kyler at school with his teacher. His teacher is Mrs. Lehman. He has 7 classmates and all are boys except one. He gets all his therapies at school. Thursdays, they get to go to the media center at the elementary and have story time. The teacher and I pass a notebook back and forth each day. She tells me how he is doing and I tell her anything I want. Today's note from her said that "he smiled the whole morning and no tears when you left - yeah!"
My baby is growing up.
Taegen, Strider and I went grocery shopping. Holy Cow - it was easy with only 2 kids. I bought Taegen a donut and he sat in the car cart the ENTIRE time. It was fabulous. I think Taegen asked for Kyler about 100+ times this morning. "Where's Kyler?" "I want to play with Kyler" "Kyler at school" "Are we going to get Kyler?" "Where's Kyler?" "Kyler at school?" "I want Kyler" "I want to play with Kyler" over and over and over.
'Tis the beginning of something good, I suppose...
3 commen

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