Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Life's Hassles...

Insurance is sometimes a pain in the rear. It seems like all day today I have been making calls about some form of insurance question or something.

  • Kyler's old preschool called because they need information from the EOB. We have been playing phone tag for a few days now. It's weird because the insurance pays us but then we have to forward everything to the preschool but then I need my copies and whatever.
  • Then I had to call to see about Strider's tubes. If I go to Riley (which is where I have always gone) they can't see him until mid-October. If I go to a different doctor then it will be in two weeks. So I had to call and cancel the Riley appt and then call a different ENT and make appointment. Then I had to call insurance to make sure it was covered and the provider was a-ok.
  • This is the one that really bugs. Kyler needs a car seat that goes up to 80 pounds in a 5-point harness. They have these at Walmart and such but they are like $200. I usually buy the cheap, yet effective, car seats. So I called Kyler's insurance a couple weeks ago to see if they covered the car seat. They said to get a letter of medical intent and a prescription from the Dr and take it to Freedom Mobility. So I did this, except that Freedom Mobility doesn't exist. So I called insurance again and they gave me 5 other places to try. I tried ALL of them and sent paperwork and everything. Then it was a NO-go. So now I called the insurance company back and they said "Oh, because you can buy it at a store we won't cover it." I was like "What the crap! Seriously, I told you that the first time I called and you told me to do all these things and now you're telling me they won't cover it anyways." Alright, I really didn't say that. I wanted to but didn't.
After all that, I have a hard time getting mad or frustrated at insurance because my lil' Kyler boy cost well over $300,000 in his first 8 months of life. Of which we had to pay a small amount. If not for insurance we would be in TROUBLE. So, I guess I will keep making menial phone calls and just deal. eh?

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