Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Monday, October 15, 2007

Monumental Month!!

October has been a very monumental month for lil' Kyler. He has accomplished five new things:

1. He finally made it onto the growth chart (he is now in the 5-10th percentile for weight).

2. He is big enough to have his car seat turned around (now he can actually watch a movie in the car without his head being turned at an awkward angle)

3. He crawled for the very first time. (given it was only a day but he has now found a great way to get around - he does a little froggy hop and he is quite quick)

4. He did his first sign language (drink and hat).

5. NURSERY! (Taegen and Kyler have finally made it to Nursery...Oh happy day! Yesterday was the first Sunday since they have been born that I actually had the opportunity to listen (not that I did). We dropped them off right after Sacrament Meeting and then we picked them up when it was over. Hallelujah...me and Ryan were tempted to go catch a movie or something super fun but we were good and stayed at church! (We'll see what happens next week).

Wow - the month is only half over..at this rate Kyler is going to be running and talking by the time November comes. It is very fun and exciting watching him learn how to do new things. I guess all the therapy has been good for him after all. Kyler and Taegen have been getting along so well lately...they really feed off of one another. It is so fun to hear them laughing at each other and just having a good time. It's like they are little people now and not just little.

They had their 18th month check up today.

weight 25 lbs 7 oz 50 - 75%
height 33 1/2 inches 75 - 90%
head 19 1/4 inches 75 - 90%

weight 22 lbs 11 oz 5 - 10%
height 31 inches 10 - 25%
head 17 1/2 inches less than 5%

Fun stuff...we shall see where they stand at 2. Have a good day!

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