Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Kyler sitting AGAIN!!!

So....a week or two ago I made an entry about Kyler sitting up from laying down for the first time. Well, he hadn't done it again until two days ago and then he did it once and he did it again yesterday. But...I had yet to see it happen. However, Today was the day. I saw Kyler sit up at least 5 times if not more. For such a little thing, it really seems huge and I am so thrilled that he is able to get to sitting from laying down. It takes all his energy and coordination to do it but he does it. I have been reading a book called Gifts. It is a collection of stories written by parents with a child with down syndrome. It has been really good for me. Until lately, I have not been too interested in connecting or meeting families in the down syndrome community. For some reason, I haven't really been ready to deal with it. So, now as I am kind of, sort of reading things about ds it has been rather difficult and I cry through lots of the stories I read. Even though I am crying it is still nice to hear about others who have been where I am. It's nice to know that Kyler will do things on his own time schedule, not mine. It's nice to know that other mom's struggle with therapists. And it's definitely good to know that other mom's have hard days too (with or without a child with ds). Well, that was a total journal session if I've ever had one. So there you go...I better stop!

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