Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Friday, March 13, 2009

I guess I'm a Jerk!

Lately I have been feeling somewhat like a jerk. It seems that I have really been pissing people off lately. Here's an example:

Today me and two of my girlfriends decided to meet at McDonald's so the kids could play on the play land. Taegen and Kyler had been playing on the play land for maybe ten minutes.

This lady stands up and shouts "who's kid is wearing the green shirt with stripes?"
I raise my hand.
She says "You need to discipline your kids. He's pushing and hitting everybody."
(Um...excuse me lady)
Anyways, so then I go and grab KYLER (who is wearing a green shirt with stripes) and say, "is this the one that you are complaining about?"
She turns to her 5 year old granddaughter and says "is this the one who hit you?"
She says "yes."
I say, "So you're yelling at me to discipline my 2 year old child with down syndrome who is still learning communication skills for hitting your 5 year old granddaughter?"
She says, "Everybody is complaining about him. He has been hitting and pushing."
So, I ask everybody in the room (mind you, there is about 10 moms and tons of kids). "Is my kid bothering anybody else or their kids?"
Everybody says "NO" (how could he be bothering them when we just got there. I had been watching him and I didn't see him hit or push anybody.)
I said to the lady "your at a McDonald's play land, your kids might get hurt."
She said "ya, but I discipline them when they do something wrong."
Then I turn to the lady and say "It's people like you who make people like me never want to come to an indoor playground again."

Seriously, KYLER. I mean KYLER who is tiny and weighs like 25 pounds! Give me a break!

I was IRATE (to put it nicely) I had to leave and go outside and leave my wild and reckless children unattended (my girlfriends were there).

So, back to my original discussion about feeling like I am a jerk. This is what I have decided. I am only a jerk when the other person is way out of line (ie occupational therapist, stupid McDonald's lady). I don't let people walk all over me. I will say something. I don't just sit down and let myself be intimated when I believe something should be said. I will stand up for myself and my kids and if that makes me a jerk - so be it! Anybody else want to cross paths with me?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Remembering the past.

I just went to another blog of a mom in Montana who has twin boys who are 5 and one has down syndrome. He son, Avery (ds), has to have open heart surgery tomorrow. As I was reading her blog, I started crying remembering how horrible it was to find out that my little boy had to have open heart surgery. The fears, anxieties, questions - everything came rushing to my mind again. I remember when Kyler was only 2 days old the pediatrician came into my hospital room and told me of Kyler's heart condition and that he was in heart failure. My world changed. A few weeks later we discovered that he wasn't in heart failure but that he would need open heart surgery. At almost 7 months on October 24th 2006 he had the surgery. It is definitely a time that I want to forget but it saved Kyler's life and helped make him the big kid that he is today. I just want to give this other mom a huge hug and tell her that everything will be alright. But I don't know if everything will be alright. I do know that she will have many emotional breakdowns. I know that she will have a hard time recognizing her child because of how swollen and how many tubes are attached. I know that others will be there to buoy her up. I know that Dr's, nurses and other medical people will care for your baby but YOU have to be the advocate. Ask questions? Ask what the nurses are giving your child? What the machines are for? Know what is going on. I also know that somehow, someway...it will be okay. I look at Kyler and see the miracle child that he is and it makes me cry all over again. What a precious boy!

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