Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Monday, April 27, 2009

Best Friends

Taegen and Kyler had their 3 year well check visit last week. They are both doing great and are healthy as horses :). Here are their stats:
weight 33 lbs - 65.03%
height 37 3/4 " - 59.47%
weight 28 lbs - 13 %
height 34 1/2 " - 2.24%
They are both fairly proportionate - not to each other but within themselves!
They are the best of friends.
The other day a little boy hit Kyler so Taegen pushed the little boy down. Then he proceeded to ask Kyler "You OK?". So cute! They really do take care and look out for each other. In the morning Taegen always asks "Mom, do I get to ride the bus?" I tell him "no, Kyler gets too." Instead of getting mad Taegen runs over to Kyler and says "Kyler want to ride the bus?" Taegen gets so excited for Kyler. Kyler is the strong one in the swimming pool and so he helps Taegen not be scared during their lessons. They really are PERFECT for each other. They really complement each other - ones weaknesses are the others strengths and vice versa. They are lucky to have each other and I am lucky to have them! (Precious)

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